28 March 2012

Well, i guess I'll go on a diet

... because I made a mistake and payed 3 months rent in advance so now I am completely broke! At home I've only got some pasta, fish and vegetables and that's what I have until the 25th. Let's call it the Skinny Poor Girl Diet! Haha!

Sorry for not posting, it's been Hostel Mont Noir at my place for the last week. First I was visited by a friend from Brussels and then my mum spent the weekend here. Busy busy!

Spring is finally coming to Stockholm, yey! It fills me with so much energy. Tomorrow I don't have any classes so I will take a walk into town. It takes about 40  minutes by bike so we'll see how long it will take. Also, I wont have the money to buy a new commute card, so I guess I'll have to rely on my legs and bike. I hope it won't be raining to much! I guess this is the month I'll finally stop smoking and also a white month since I wont be able to buy any wine. Sounds like a really boring month! Haha!

I bought a new couch this weekend, it's awesome. A really cute rococo thing in pink. Love it! So there's where I've planted my butt for the evening watching the swedish finals of Masterchef.

Spring is here!


  1. Was begining to wonder where you had got to, glad to see you posting again. Roll on the the 25th hey!

  2. Haha jobbigt att du betalade lite mycket ;) du får tänka att du kommer ha mer pengar över nästa månad!


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